I don’t know about you guys, but when I’m at the coast I HAVE to have a cup of clam chowder. It’s like a tradition, and this past Saturday in Florence, Oregon was no exception. My mom, Nana, and I were craving a good cup o’ chowder while we were exploring Old Town, and the restaurant we wanted to go to wasn’t open (The Waterfront Depoe), so we decided to try Bay Street Grille.
It was disgusting. And I mean, really disgusting. It didn’t even taste like clam chowder. It tasted more like mushy gruel. I added crackers to mine and took a bite, turned to my mom and said “well the crackers are good.” You should have seen my Nana’s face when she came back from the bathroom and took her first bite lol she looked right up at my mom and I with disdain haha
We didn’t even finish the soup, we just paid (yes, we actually paid) and snuck out before the waitress could come ask us how it was.
Next we went to the ICM Restaurant at the end of Old Town. We had tasted a sample of their clam chowder earlier in the day, so we knew they were decent. They also won some Clam Chowder of the Year award so that was exciting.
But…I don’t know what it was about Saturday April 30th. Apparently we were not meant to have clam chowder on this day lol because most of the clams hadn’t been cleaned, or at least not well. They were so sandy! I ended up just sucking my soup down instead of chewing anything because I was afraid of chomping on a sandy clam. I ate it though cause I was freaking hungry.
Oh well, at least I know to wait for the Waterfront Depoe to open next time!
The Firehouse is also pretty darn good.
That’s what I thought, but mom said it was “ok.”