Hi lovelies. Today’s post is going to be a little bit different than the usual style or beauty posts. I really just wanted to take some time to share a little bit more about myself, and to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting The B-List for the past 6 months (I can’t believe it’s been almost 7 months now since I started writing it!).
I started writing The B-List because I needed some kind of creative outlet to focus my extra time on. I was finding myself just sitting on the couch every day after work and on the weekends, and I just felt like I was leading a very unhealthy and uninspired life.
I was drawn to starting a blog because:
- I’ve always been in love with fashion. I remember being in high school and always experimenting with different styles. Looking back, I think my ever changing and evolving style was an outward representation of how I felt internally (don’t worry, I won’t go to psychoanalyst on you guys 😉 ). I always felt like I was trying to “find myself,” as cliche as that sounds, and I always felt a little different – like my brainwaves functioned on a totally different frequency than everyone else.
- I’ve always been a really goofy and nerdy person lol. I had a really hard time feeling like I fit in to one particular niche in high school (however, as I got older, I started to really not give a crap at all about “fitting in”). I was kind of all over the spectrum when I came to who I hung out with in high school and what I was in to (Harry Potter 100%, but also fashion….).
Like I said, this feeling of fitting in eventually went away as I got older and decided that I would rather just be myself than worry about what other people thought about me, and I still think of myself as a quirky, silly, and a tad bit weird person haha (and I’m proud of it!). That’s why I really want The B-List to be a place where I can share all this weirdness and randomness, and if I can encourage one person to feel comfortable with just being exactly who they are, then that makes it all totally worth it. And if not…well, I hope I make you all smile, and maybe LOL on occasion. And if all else fails, The B-List will always be a way for me to express myself creatively, and get all my quirks down and documented so I can embarrass my future kids when they’re teens and trying to figure out the meaning of life 😉
WHEW! If you guys made it through that rant, then kudos to you (and welcome to The B-List haha). The last thing I want to do is thank you for participating in my giveway! Be sure to check your direct messages on Instagram, as that is how I’ll be contacting the winner. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy your gift! And again, thank all of you for being a b-lister with me, and don’t worry if you’re bummed about missing or not winning the giveaway, I’ll be having a partnered giveaway with Rachel from the blog One Pot Slop in December, so be sure to keep checking back!
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