How many of you work in a pretty conservative office environment? *raises hand* I work for a Catholic health organization by day and I have to dress pretty business casual and conversative whenever I’m in the office. This is actually hard for me...
Happy October loves! Is it starting to look like fall where you live yet? Portland is just starting to turn from green to warm yellow and reds and I’m loving it! Since today is Monday, I wanted to share my top 5 favorite...
Friday nights are for happy hour, date nights, and dancing, am I right? Unfortunately, they’re usually also for working LOL. But seriously, who has the time in the mornings to pack an extra outfit for the evening?! I know unless I’m really on...
Happy Monday loves! If you’re following me on IG (here!), then you probably know I recently went to LA for a work trip! I was there for a whole week and I had the best time! Since...
Hey babes! I’m going to start a new series on the blog where every Monday I post an Office Outfit Inspiration! I work for a health organization so I’m expected to where business and business casual attire to the office. I’m always...