Happy Friday babes! I wanted to restart a series I used to really love on the blog called ‘Friday Favorites.’ I enjoy sharing quick tips about my favorite go-to-of-the-moment items, so I thought reinstating this series would be perfect! For my first Friday Favorites, I’m sharing everything you need to have a calm and happy morning routine, from beauty products to breakfast ideas!
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The 5 Things You Need in Your Morning Routine
If you’re like me, then your mornings look a little something like this:Alarm goes off 30 minutes before you actually have to get up -> hits snooze 5 times -> gets up 10-15 minutes late -> uses the beauty/makeup products that take the least amount of time and effort (definitely doesn’t shower) -> spends 5 minutes having a meltdown cause you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear -> throws on the same thing you wear every day (leggings and a long sweater and flats) -> may or may not grab a snack while running out the door -> comes back inside cause you forgot your car keys.Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.The first thing you need to incorporate into your morning routine, is the idea that your mornings don’t have to be hectic. You can make teeny tiny changes that will have a HUGE impact on how efficient you can become.
So, let’s get into my favorite ideas and products that help my morning routine run smoothly.Beauty products – if you’re already using the bare minimum, then you’re on the right track! I try to keep my morning routine as hassle free as possible. I just use a cleanser, sometimes a serum, and a moisturizer. THAT’S IT. ***Bonus Tip: get yourself a moisturizer that has sunscreen in it, like this one from Lancôme.
2. Makeup products – follow the same guidelines as above when choosing which makeup to use. My go-to is an eyebrow pencil from Pür Cosmetics, clear brow gel from Anastasia Beverly Hills, and mascara from Arbonne. That’s pretty much all I need on the daily, but if you like a little more put together makeup look, try to find products that have multiple uses, like bronzer/eyeshadow and lip/cheek tints.
Tips for Getting Dressed:I HATE picking out what to wear in the mornings. I’m so slow at it and always feel like I don’t want to wear anything in my closet. One trick I use to overcome this is to set out my weekly outfits on Sunday night. Usually my laundry is all finished and put away by Sunday, so that evening I just take a look at what I might want to wear that week (when I’m in a more calm and relaxed mood LOL), and set aside 5 outfits I wouldn’t mind wearing. That way in the morning I’m just choosing from these items, instead of my entire wardrobe!Make Sure You Eat Breakfast!If I don’t eat before I leave the house for work I’m more likely to snack on junk throughout the day. That’s why I make sure my pantry is stocked with easy breakfast items. I’ll be honest, I usually don’t go above and beyond and make eggs and bacon or anything fancy like that…I’m more of a cereal or yogurt and granola type of girl. But just making sure I stalk up on these over the weekend is essential. Make sure to also have things like granola bars that you can just grab-and-go if you’re running too late for a bowl of cereal or oatmeal!Tips for Staying Calm and Relaxed in the Mornings:Other things that help me with my morning routine are:3. Have a comfy robe to slip on when you get up, and set it right next to the bed. Slippers are great too, especially since I have cold floors!4. Put your car keys in your bag or purse when you get home at night, instead of setting them on a table or key hook (now just don’t forget your purse LOL).5. Meditate – instead of hitting snooze 5 times, just hit it 4 instead and use those extra 5-8 minutes to meditate. There are tons of apps to choose from that are super helpful, and you don’t even have to get out of bed (just sit up!).
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What do you love most about your morning routine, and what could you improve? Leave me a comment and let me know!
Photos are from Pexels.com