Yesterday marked Ayla’s six month birthday (click here to meet her!) and officially means I am six months postpartum, woo! I simultaneously feel like I was just pregnant yesterday and like it’s been years since I gave birth ha ha. TBH, the postpartum period, or 4th trimester, was really tough for me the first 8 weeks or so (even harder than pushing out a 7.5 pounds baby!), but there are a few things that made the recovery process a little more bearable. I hope these tips help you to survive the 4th trimester as well!
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What you should do AS SOON as you get home from the hospital
A weird thing happens to moms after they deliver, they suddenly get a burst of energy and can stay up for a REALLY long time.
I was in labor for 36 hours. I was induced at 2pm on a Friday afternoon, slept off and on that night, then delivered my daughter at 4am on Sunday. So it’s fair to say I was absolutely exhausted by the end, but for some reason I just couldn’t sleep once the baby came! I honestly don’t even know if I slept at all that day. If I did, it was only for a couple hours.
Because of this weird insomnia period, the very first thing moms should do when they get home, is go to bed, and don’t get out of it for AT LEAST a day. The only reason you should leave your bed is to go to the bathroom. Otherwise, your SO can bring the baby to you for feeds, and they can feed you too lol.

Products to help you survive the 4th trimester
I did a little research before I delivered to learn about products other moms were loving for the postpartum period, but I didn’t purchase many in advance.
Don’t be like me. Don’t wait till you’re bruised, bloody, and barely sleeping to get these products, STOCK UP EARLY! Yes, the hospital will give you some, but they are only allowed to give you a certain amount, and you don’t want to run out too soon!
To give you an example, the hospital gave me a container of the Witch Hazel pads, but I was using those things all freaking day long and ran out pretty quick. I ended up purchasing FOUR more containers in the first six weeks of my recovery! And of course I ran out first and had to wait for them to arrive. Not a very nice feeling.

I hope these tips and products help you out! Like I said earlier, the postpartum period was super hard for me, but these products made life a little easier. Don’t forget that while you’re caring for a tiny human you also need to care for yourself. You rock mama, let me know in the comments if you have any tips or product must-haves that helped you survive the 4th trimester!
I loved this post! I don’t have kids so I had no idea the things you go through after you give birth. Ayla is SO CUTE [insert crying emoji] and I love those ones of your two cuddling in bed =)
Thank you babe! Yeah postpartum is pretty cray lol
These are some great suggestions! It can be so difficult getting used to keeping a tiny human alive.
Seriously, so hard!
This is such a great post for new moms! Going to send it to my sister now 🙂
Thanks girl!! xo
I definitely agree and can confirm the whole surge of energy. With not my children I just couldn’t bring myself to rest after I had delivered. Also, crapped nipples are no joke! I’d advise all new mums to get nipple cream.
Definitely agree! I went through two tubes during the first 6 weeks!