Outdoor adventures on hot, sunny days are some of my favorite things! Which is why I had an amazing time up at Cougar Hot Springs with my soul twin, Amy 🙂 It’s kind of a trek to get out there, you have to drive about an hour and fifteen minutes east of Eugene, up a huge reservoir, through a small dirt road and some wild woods, but when you come around the corner and see the reservoir below to your left and a beautiful waterfall to your right, you know it’s gonna be worth it!
We arrived for our outdoor adventure at like, 7:30pm to our campsite; we camped at Cougar Crossing which is the closest campground to the springs. It’s first come, first serve, so I bet it’s really super busy in the summer months, but there are several other camp grounds really close by. If you camp below the reservoir at Delta, you can get cell reception (there is definitely no reception once you get to the top).

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