OK, I know it’s that time of year where getting in to shape is on EVERYONE’S mind, right? It’s right after the first of the year, summer is in sight and it’s like we just realized at this moment that we want to get our beach body going (even though we’ve had since September to work on it, but who’s keeping track, definitely not me!). For those of you who are looking to build a healthier lifestyle by incorporating working out at the gym or at home, then this post is for you! If you want to know about my personal fitness and workout routine, then keep on reading!
I’ve been working out pretty religiously since April of 2016. I had just come back from a trip to NYC with my girlfriend Lisa, and I was looking at pictures and realized just how much weight I had gained. OK…I’m gonna be 100% candid with you guys…when I moved to Portland in the fall of 2012, I weighed 144 lbs. When I got back from my trip to NYC, 3 1/2 years later, I weighed 172 lbs. I had gained almost 30 POUNDS in 3 1/2 years!!! GASP!
At first I was shocked; I still thought of myself as pretty slim and fit, and seeing photos of myself just did not match what I saw in the mirror. However, I could tell that I was bigger. It sounds stupid, but I felt like I almost had to walk differently because my thighs rubbed together so much. I was also having a lot of problems with heartburn and indigestion, so I knew that it was time to really buckle down and get back in shape.
Now, I know 172 lbs might not sound like a lot to some people, but you have to keep in mind that 172 lbs for one individual might be small, when to another it is large – it really depends on body type. And my body type has always been pretty straight and athletic. I’ve never had “womanly” curves until I was in my mid 20’s (and don’t get me wrong, I am definitely lovin it!), but 172 lbs just felt too big for my body type. Queue the workout tips and routine (also, this feels like a good time to put in the disclaimer that I am in no way a personal trainer or fitness guru and you should always seek the advice of a professional in this area 🙂 These are just my tips that worked for me and that I’d like to share with you guys):
#1 – Cardio, cardio, cardio!
I know, everyone’s favorite, right? NOT. I freaking HATE running. I hate running with a burning, fiery passion. I hate running SO much, that I would almost rather just be overweight. Almost. But, since I really don’t want to be overweight, I run anyway. And after I got used to feeling like my lungs were trying to escape from my chest cavity, it wasn’t so bad. In fact, I sometimes (only like, 12% of the time) enjoy it. Regardless of if you guys like running or not, cardio is so important for weight loss. I dropped weight really quickly at first from doing high intensity interval cardio workouts. For example, I would do a 20 second sprint followed by a 40 second walk, increasing the incline by 0.5 on the treadmill after every set, and do this until I got to a 5 incline (so 10 minutes total). Or you can do the Fat Burner track on the elliptical and go hard on the higher level, and slower on the lower level. There are lots of options, and finding the one that works for you is best, because like I said, cardio is really, really important!
#2 – Get a Personal Trainer!
I never really understood how effective a personal trainer could be in my weight loss journey, but once I started working with one, the results started coming in SO fast, it was crazy. A personal trainer is great because they hold you accountable and they know the exercises that you should be doing to reach the goals that you have for yourself. They can be expensive, there’s no getting around it, but honestly, if you have the money to buy yourself a $5 coffee every day from Starbucks, then you have the money to work with a personal trainer once a week (and if you’re trying to lose weight, you probably shouldn’t be drinking that Starbucks anyways). It’s all about what is important to you. If getting in to shape is important, then you tend to make it work. I also want to point out that working out with a buddy is great as well! Just make sure you are actually motivating each other to reach your goals. If your workout nights end up with you on the couch eating pizza and drinking wine, then you’re not holding each other accountable, you’re holding each other down (I am definitely guilty of this from time to time!).
#3 – Use workout apps to get in a quick exercise at home or on your break!
I personally LOVE using the app Sworkit. The app is free to download, and it has a bunch of really great workouts that you can do, and you also get to set the time! If you have a 15 minute break, then set yourself a 10 minute stretching or yoga exercise, and the app will guide you through it with 30 second exercises followed by 5 second breaks, and every 2 minutes and 30 seconds, you get a 30 second break. It’s perfect for days when you can’t get to the gym, because you can do a quick 20 minute legs, core, or even full body exercise right from home.
OK, those are my 3 most important tips for working out, and now if you’re interested, I will show you my personal fitness routine that I do 🙂
My Fitness Routine
Sunday: I usually take it easy on Sunday with a 1 hour uphill walk on the treadmill at 5 incline and 3.5mph (if the weather was nice, I would go for a hike instead)
Monday: I try to go hard on Monday’s with a 20 minute high intensity workout on the elliptical and then I do a circuit course with about 5 different exercises (kettle bell swings, TRX pull ups, medicine squat + slams, box jumps, and push ups) for another 15-20 minutes
Tuesday: Run on the treadmill for 1 mile, then work on chest, shoulders, and back (chest press, seated rows, overhead press, dead lifts, etc.)
Wednesday: Usually pretty sore by now, so I’ll just do cardio all day, either cycling or running (if I cycle, then 10 miles, if I run, then 3 miles)
Thursday: Abs, buns, and thighs! (Squats, leg press, leg curls, and a workout with Sworkit!)
Friday: Friday is usually my day off 🙂
Saturday: I sometimes take Saturday off as well, but if I don’t, then I usually do a class, like yoga, or just do cardio
Alright lovelies, I hope this post of helpful and motivating for you guys! Let me know down in the comments what your favorite workout routine is! I always love ideas to mix it up!
I hate exercising so I have to do something fun like bike riding or tae kwon do!
I love Taekwondo! I’m actually a 1st degree black belt, but I haven’t practiced in a long time!
Sooo inspiring! It’s sometimes hard to get motivated to get started. I love that you shared your weekly routine. It helps to give people like me a little direction. Gonna get it going!
My favorite fitness apps on iPhone are 8fit and Daily Yoga. You can use them for free and they have so many videos and routines.
Ooh nice, I’m definitely going to check those 2 apps out! A yoga app would be perfect!
I haven’t heard of Sworkit before! I’m definitely going to have to check it out! Thanks for these tips! I don’t have a personal trainer, but I’ve been going to the same barre/yoga studio for a year and a half and it’s so nice to have experts there who have gotten to know me and can give advice/answer my questions. It’s a little pricey but it’s totally worth the sacrifice!
I’ve heard AMAZING things about barre classes! I really want to try it!
I do a mix of boxing, thai boxing and mma. Sometimes also running but I get bored very easily when I run!
Running can definitely get boring, I tend to like running inside on a treadmill so I can zone out and watch TV haha 🙂
I’m currently working on my workout routine -I’ll admit I hate working out. Recently, I’ve been doing Yoga though and love it. Xx Carly || thecarlycollective.com
Maintaining a Routine for fitness issue is not an easy task.Many people loose hope at the middle stage.truly inspiring article for those people…Thanks for sharing…