Happy Friday lovelies! OMG I am SO excited that it’s the weekend! I’ve been working super late every night this week because it’s the first week after the new year and I have also started posting YouTube videos every Thursday, so I have been a little more busy and stressed than usual. I think once I get on a good schedule of writing my posts, then it will feel a little more manageable, but this week has just been cray cray! However, it’s Friday, and tomorrow I have a meeting with a photographer and am also going to be shooting with my friend Rachel from One Pot Slop, so I’m excited to get the weekend started 🙂
I’ve also been trying to be better with accessorizing my outfits lately. I feel like I am pretty minimal when it comes to jewelry, but I don’t want to be too boring, so I’ve been branching out a little bit. One piece that I’ve been wearing and that I wanted to talk to you guys about today, is this statement necklace from Mirina Collections.
I actually didn’t like this necklace when I first got it because I felt like it was too hard core for me lol But after awhile, it started to grow on me because of the potential it had to complete a look on it’s own, without needing any other matching pieces. It’s also really versatile!
Now, I’m not gonna lie to you guys. I got this necklace for a very discounted price, and if the price was not discounted, I would not have bought it. Not because I don’t like it, but because I wholeheartedly feel like it is overpriced. Check it out here and let me know what you guys think though in the comments below (also if you’ve tried Mirina Collections before, let me know in the comments).
I will say this though, I had an extremely positive experience with their customer service. I ordered this necklace and when I received it, the clasp would not open for me. Even my husband tried but neither of us could get it. I was really worried that I would break it, so I e-mailed the customer service center for Mirina Collections and offered to send it back in for an exchange, but they just sent me a new one, no hassle, no questions asked! I even offered to try and use pliers or something to open the clasp, but they just right up and said they’d just send me a new one, and if I ended up getting the old one open, I could just keep it as an extra 🙂 This made me feel so respected by a brand that really didn’t owe me anything (accept for the jewelry I bought from them of course 😉 ), and it’s experiences like this that do keep me checking their website for deals (they have AMAZING sales on really trendy pieces all the time!).
So all in all, paying over $100.00 for an item when I could get a similar version from Forever XXI for a fraction of the price is not something I would ever do. However, I do like to keep them in mind for when they have sales, because I feel like the quality of the product is good and the customer service is very reliable 🙂 (unlike one brand that I bought A TON of product from on Black Friday…you may see a rant coming very soon to my YouTube channel, so don’t forget to subscribe here!).
What a gorgeous necklace!
Thanks girl! It’s super fun! xo