Today’s outfit is something that I quickly threw together this morning. I’d like to be that person who lays out their outfits for the week or even the next day ahead of time, but I’m just not. Whenever I try to do that, I always end up not liking what I picked out. I might have to give it another try though, cause man would it save me time in the mornings!
So this morning I was really drawn to this mint blouse from Papaya. I love this top because it has the metal detail on the collar, which means I don’t have to worry about picking out much jewelry! One thing about me is that I really hate wearing a ton of jewelry to work. I always feel like it just gets in the way, so wearing an outfit that really doesn’t need much extra is awesome!
Similar mint blouse here, and here.

Even though this mint top has the details on the collar, I always feel like I need at least a liiiittle jewelry to complete my look. I decided the only thing I really needed was my white gold wedding band from Shane Co. and a pair of pearl studs from Charming Charlie. I went with pearl studs because I felt that it went well with the floral skirt and the mint color of the blouse, and it kind of add more of a girly vibe to the edgy metallic details of the blouse and sandals!
I had to use my new Coach wristlet that my girlfriend got me on her trip! Even though it didn’t match my outfit, I am so in love with this Coach wristlet that I didn’t even care! I love how it has not one, but two zippered compartments and it can even fit my iPhone 6S! More affordable option here and here.

What do you guys think of the completed look? I loved how it was edgy yet flirty and definitely comfortable for summer!
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