Well helloooo there 🙂 It has been a hot minute! Honestly I’m a little unsure of how to even start writing (I think I forgot how to blog LOL). The last five months have been such a whirlwind; so much has happened and I have to share a life update with you! Be sure to read to end for a big surprise! 😉
*This post may contain affiliate links. All content and opinions expressed are my own.*

Let’s start from the beginning…
I guess all the updates start back when COVID first started ramping up in the US and everything shut down. Before COVID (let’s just call it BC, shall we?) I was working primarily out of the home. If you don’t know, I’m a Senior Clinical Informatics Specialist for a large hospital network and I worked in the hospital 80% of the time. This was actually a huge factor in why last year was so hard (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this post). I hated being away from my daughter, especially at her young age.
When COVID hit, my team transitioned to working from home unless it was absolutely necessary to go into the clinics. I went in maybe five times total the months of April and May and it was SO amazing to get to be home with Ayla more! I think it was a little easier on E too to have me home to help with Ayla during my breaks and before work. Now that businesses are more open and my clinics have a better handle on social distancing, I’ve been going in one or two times a week (sometimes less). It’s such a change! I love how much time I get to spend at home with my family, but it’s made work-life balance next to nonexistent.
Any of you working parents feel the same? It’s so easy to just get up and start working, that my work hours have been more blurred. It’s also really hard for me to not think about work, because my office is also where I live. One of my goals for this fall is to set clear work boundaries. If you have any tips on what’s worked for you, drop them in the comments below!

How has home life changed?
I think one of the biggest impacts of COVID has been the change in home life. Something I don’t talk about much is mine and E’s marriage and relationships in general. Some things are more personal and not everything needs to be shared on social, right? But just in general, last year and the beginning of this year was really hard for us. We struggled a lot, and although things aren’t perfect (are they ever??) the additional quality time we’ve had as a family has done wonders for our relationship. It’s been hard at times to feel like all we do is work and take care of Ayla, but it’s also allowed us to connect more.
Experiencing this pandemic together allowed me to really see how E handles extreeeme stress, and I’m able to appreciate him and the things he does for our family more than ever. I think there’s always a way to experience something positive, even in the middle of a global pandemic haha. Have you noticed or experienced any positive changes in your life during this time? Let me know in the comments!

Biggest life update…
OMG I seriously never thought this would happen and it ended up happening SO fast! Turning 30 (which also happened this summer) had me feeling down in the dumps that I didn’t own a home. I think my parents bought their first home at 25 or 26 and many of our close couple friends also own homes, so I was definitely caught in that comparison trap. The way it all happened was so fast and wild, I’d need a whole separate post to get into the nitty gritty. Is this something you’d be interested in? If so, let me know! Let’s just say we started looking in June and we are moving into our new home next month! Just another example of how good things can come out of not so ideal situations 🙂

Let me know if you like these life update type posts! Also, I’m going to need ALL the home decor tips and tricks! If there are any great resources that you have or know of, please please drop the link in the comments! I’ll share any links or tips I get on IG stories too so everyone can benefit from them 🙂 Thanks for reading, see ya on IG!
Setting up a distinct work space is super helpful and I’m so excited you’ll have space to do that in your new home! Sometimes I like closing up my laptop and putting away ALL my work items so I dont see them on my days off. Also lighting a candle after work to “cleanse” the space is nice too.
Seriously SO pumped for you guys and this next chapter in your journey together as a family🖤
Amy thank you so much! I love the idea of a candle to cleanse the space – I’m definitely going to implement that in the new house! Can’t wait till we can have you guys over for a BBQ <3
omg girl this is so exciting, congrats! I definitely think its harder to set a balanced schedule with wfh, what helps me is setting an alarm every day that signal when my work day is over. I guess just hearing “youre done” helps me switch modes!
Oh what a great idea! Def gonna try it 😉