Day 5 in Shanghai
The next day we slept in hard core. I think we got up at like….11 or 12? I got up a bit earlier and took a walk and got some Starbucks, but Eihab wanted to sleep in a bit 🙂 That day we decided to take the metro down to The Bund and see the sites. We got off at the Nanjing Road East stop, which is a huuuge pedestrian street with TONS of shopping! We accidentally walked the wrong way down Nanjing Road East and ended up back at the People’s Square, which was still cool cause we wanted to see it, but we were definitely confused haha (hint, when you come out of the train station, go left, away from H&M!). We finally headed back the right way towards The Bund, but we spotted a sushi spot on our way so we stopped there for lunch. It was OK, the salmon was not as good as the salmon we get here in Portland (we’re spoiled) but the tuna was yummy!
The Bund was full of tourists taking pictures of the skyscrapers across the river. It was a great view and a really nice day! We didn’t stay too long though because it was pretty hot and there were tons of people, so we got our pictures and then headed back to our apartment. We knew we wanted to venture into the Xin Tian Di neighborhood that evening, so we just decided to take a nap when we got back 🙂
After our nap, we got dressed and headed out to the Xin Tian Di area. This neighborhood is pretty Western, as a lot of ex-pats live here. We had some drinks at one of the cocktail lounges, then headed over to a Latin spot for some music and food. It was pretty good, and it is one of the areas that stays open pretty late, so if you’re a partier, I definitely recommend checking out the Xin Tian Di area!
I think that night was the latest we stayed up the whole trip! We got back from Xin Tian Di around 2:00am, woohoo!
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