This past weekend was one of the first where both Eihab and I didn’t have to work and we were actually both home at the same time, woo! Saturday we spent with friends at the 29th Annual Oregon Brewers Festival in downtown Portland. Today is the last day, so if you haven’t gone, you better get your butt down to the waterfront! We had a lot of fun, tasted some yummy beers (or at least, I did, Eihab had root beer and orange soda haha), and enjoyed the sunshine.
Sunday was what I like to call “the day of rest.” It was time for me to perform my usual Sunday ritual – pampering. Of course I had to go to a Body Pump class in the morning and finish my laundry, but after all that good stuff was done, I broke out my beauty products.
This time I did a total of 5 masks (4 of them were brand new to me, so you’ll find a little review about them below as well 🙂 )!
1. Eva NYC Get Glossed! Hair Serum
- Ok, so this isn’t reeeeally a mask, but I did use it as part of my pampering session, so I’ll include it 🙂 My hair has been pretty dry and frizzy lately, so I wanted to use something in my hair to calm it down and add some moisture and shine back to it. I got the Eva NYC Get Glossed! Hair Serum in my July Ipsy Glam Bag, and was excited to try it. Usually my go to hair serum is Moroccan Oil, but I’m currently all out, so I was glad to receive this new product to try. My first impression is that is feels extremely silky when you apply it, and that it makes my hair feel much more nourished and shiny, without making it look greasy (something that is very important for me because I tend to have greasy hair!).
- This product runs between $14.99-$18.00 for a 1.7oz bottle depending on where you buy it, and you can by it at a few different stores: Target, Ulta, Rue21, and Eva-NYC.com
2. Shray Ms. Amazing Sheet Mask
- For my face, I used another product from my July Ipsy Glam Bag – the Shray Ms. Amazing Sheet Mask. This mask is for sensitive and dry skin, as it add back tons of moisture! My face had been feeling quite dry lately, so I was really excited to try this product. I’ve actually tried this particular brand before – the Shray Queen Bee Sheet Mask – and absolutely loved it, so I’m not surprised that I like the Ms. Amazing as well 🙂 One downside I will say about these masks is that they are a little difficult to unfold from the packaging, so try to be gentle. Otherwise, you might tear the mask (like I did).
- I couldn’t find this product anywhere other than Shray’s website, but they do have it on there in a pack of 5 for $30.00, which is actually not a bad price for a good quality mask!
3. Mary Kay Satin Lips Set
- This product is seriously the Holy Grail for dry, chapped lips. I have been using the Mary Kay Satin Lips Set for….probably close to 8 years, it’s just that good! It is actually a 2-step process. First, you dampen your lips and apply the Lip Mask all over them in small circular motions, until you feel like you have the product thoroughly rubbed in. Second, you wash the lip mask off (I like to rub it off gently with an exfoliating washcloth), then apply the Lip Balm on top. I did this mask about 2 hours prior to writing this post, and my lips still felt hydrated!
- If you don’t have a Mary Kay consultant, you can just purchase this product online through their website here (it’s $18.00 for the set).
4. Mom Chang Jung Da Yeon Abdomen Patch
- So this is one of the beauty products that I bought when I was in Shanghai, China. I was buying a bunch of face mask and I just happened to see this product and thought it looked interesting, so I bought it! I’m not really sure what it is supposed to accomplish, as the instructions are all in Korean, but I did some research online and found that the creator of this product is an almost 50-year-old Korean fitness trainer who became famous after she made a Wii fitness game. Anywho, I tried this out today and, to be quite honest, I’m not really sure if it’s worth it or not. I only bought one, so it’s not like I can keep trying it and see if I get any results, but it didn’t seem to do anything at all for my skin. It basically just sticks to your abdomen area (right below your belly button) but there is no residue that stays on your skin that you can massage in, like with face masks. Maybe it is better with continued use, I’m not really sure.
- I also was not able to find this mask online anywhere, which makes me think that it’s probably one of those “as seen on TV” types of products that you have to be at special stores to find and purchase. Honestly though, I have good results with creams like the Fat Girl Slim and Brazilian Bum Bum cream, so I would recommend those over this patch.
5. PureDerm Botanical Choice Intensive Healing Foot Mask
- Lastly, the feet! With the summer dryness, my feet have been pretty cracked lately. I was excited to try this foot mask because I’ve been trying to save money by not getting pedicures so often, even though I love how they do the callous removal thing! So I thought I’d try out this foot mask that I got in Shanghai. It’s kind of cool because it goes on like a sock, although I would recommend putting a fuzzy sock or something over it, as it is big and loose and might slip around. I wore them on my feet for about 20 minutes, took them off, and massaged the remaining product into my feet. I could definitely see a noticeable difference in my feet. They looked much more healthy, less dry, and they were so soft! I would definitely use this product on a regular basis, especially since it’s soooo much cheaper than getting a pedicure!
- This product is available on Amazon.com for $10.70 + $4.99 S&H for 2 pairs of the masks. I’m not sure if that’s a great deal since I got it for like, $2.00 in Shanghai, and I would recommend checking out your local drug stores, like Walgreens and Rite Aid, before spending the money online.
Thanks for readying and I hope you guys enjoyed this post! Do you have any special beauty products that you like to use for an at-home pamper session? Let me know in the comments!
i am interested in trying out the foot mask, as i have really dry feet. they actually sell them at forever 21 (online, not sure on in-stores) for $2.90! much cheaper than amazon. thanks for the review!
Hey Anne!
Wow that’s amazing, I will definitely have to check them out at Forever 21! Thanks for the tip, and you’re right, you can’t beat that price! xo
This will be for myself cause the truth is, my kids never do anything for me for mothers day I am single so there s nobody to do anything special for me, I need to feel loved special I can only do that myself.
I hope you felt loved and special this Mother’s Day!!