I’ll be honest with you guys…I’ve had trouble with acne since I was like, 14 years old, and I STILL have trouble with my adult acne now (to put that into perspective, I’m almost 26). So I’ve tried many, many, many different types of skin creams, acne clearing solutions, and all kinds of different brands products. For this review, I’m going to be talking about the Murad Acne Clearing Solution and the Murad Acne Spot Fast Fix. I’m also going to talk about the Murad Rapid Collagen Infusion, which has nothing to do with acne, but I like it so I’m gonna talk about it :p
I’ve been using the Murad Acne Clearing Solution for about 3 months now. Unfortunately, I don’t feel that this product has made a difference whatsoever in the quality of my skin. I haven’t seen any changes in my acne, and it does not appear to be preventing breakouts either, because I continue to get new acne even while using this product. I’m actually kind of bummed, because I really love the other two Murad products that I’m review today, but the Murad Acne Clearing Solution falls short for me. If you’re interested in purchasing this product, you can do so at Sephora, Ulta, or on the Official Murad Website.
I really like the Murad Acne Spot Fast Fix! When I first bought this product, I was only using it on one acne spot at a time, but it was working so well for me, that I just decided to try it all over my acne areas (for me this is my forehead, chin, and temples/side of my face). It worked really well! It also helped to prevent breakouts for me. I would definitely recommend giving the the Murad Acne Spot Fast Fix a try! You can purchase it at Sephra, Ulta, and on Murad’s website 🙂
Last but certainly not least….I LOVE THIS STUFF! I think I got the Murad Rapid Collagen Infusion when I was shopping at Ulta and I had a ton of points so they threw it in as a freebie. Well…let me tell you, this stuff is a miracle! I did not use this as it is intended to be used though. I have this spot on my leg that is kind of dimpled and cottage cheesy and just really weird looking. Basically, I have some cellulite that has hardened in one spot and left a dimpled area right below it. It’s not pretty. So I decided to just try this stuff out on that area, and OMG it made such a big difference! The area is noticeably smoother after just using the trial size on it! My only complaint is the price…this stuff is really spendy for me at $82.00, so I am trying to find something a little more budget friendly that works just as well, but if I can’t, I will definitely suck it up and pay the price because this product is amazing!
Have you guys tried any of the Murad products? What did you think? Let me know in the comments below!
I don’t agree. Look at http://beauty411.net/2014/06/super-acne-spot-treatments.html
Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I’m not sure what you don’t agree with, since the article you linked also recommends one of the products, but regardless, thanks for your input!