You guys, I seriously can’t believe Ayla is already 4 months old! Where has the time gone? It seems like just a few weeks ago I was watching every YouTube video on natural labor and delivery tips I could get my hands on and practicing my breathing techniques. I know on Instagram a bunch of you mentioned interest in hearing more about my labor and delivery experience, so today I thought I’d share how I prepared for an unmedicated labor with hypnobirthing.
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Why I Chose an Unmedicated Labor
FIRST OF ALL, I just want to make it clear that I am in no way against epidurals or using pain medicine to help get you through labor and delivery. Birthing a human is friggin’ hard and every woman’s pain perception and endurance is different. Plus, we’re all individuals and some of us don’t want to experience the pain of childbirth, and that is OK! I’m not here to judge.
SO, why did I want to choose to feel every single ounce of pain? Well, it’s pretty simple, I wanted to feel and experience to the fullest every second of my daughter coming into this world. I didn’t want to miss out on any sensation, and I was afraid that by getting an epidural it would 1.) slow down the process of labor, and 2.) dull the sensation of being able to feel her being born. Also, the stubborn side of me just wanted to prove that I could handle it LOL.e

How I used Hypnobirthing to Prepare for Labor
Since I knew I wanted to try for a natural labor and delivery, I started reading up on mindful birthing around the start of my second trimester. I first read this book that my girlfriend/Douala lent me and I absolutely loved it. It really gave me a positive perspective on labor and pain. It talks about going into labor with the realization that it will be uncomfortable but the pain is just a purposeful sensation and nothing abnormal. Throughout labor I was able to reference the book and remind myself that each contraction was going to end and when it did I would be one step closer to meeting my baby girl.
I also read a couple of books that were more on the funny side. This one here had me in absolute tears it was so funny, while this one gave personal experiences and stories from different moms and dads.
LASTLY, in preparation for a natural labor I started practicing hypnobirthing. Sounds kind of hokey, right? Well I’ll tell you what, there is no way I would have been able to get through labor without an epidural if I hadn’t been practicing hypnobirthing. For me, hypnobirthing wasn’t meditative, it was more something to keep me focused. I really loved the breathing techniques it teaches, as well as the affirmations. I created a playlist on YouTube with a few hypnobirthing affirmations as well as different songs to keep me focused and I listened to that playlist on repeat throughout most of my labor. Here is a link to my playlist in case you’re interested!

WHAT questions do you have about hypnobirthing as a way to experience an unmedicated labor and delivery? Drop them in the comments below!
Great post ✌ 😘
Thank you sweets!
I have had three children, all without pain medication for pretty much the same reason as you. Also, I wanted to be in control of my body and I was scared to death to have a catheter.. I’d much rather have contractions. One book that I read constantly when pregnant was “Spiritual Midwifery” by Ina May Gaskin. Super interesting read!
That’s the author who wrote the Hypnobirthing book I read! I will definitely read that one before my next delivery! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
This was so great! I didn’t do hypnobirthing myself, but I did go unmedicated with my last birth up until I needed a c-section. An old friend of mine did it, though, and she loved the whole experience.
Thank you! It was such a great experience for me. Funny thing is for my next baby I don’t know if I will do it again, or if I will get an epidural. I think having an experience where you get to relax as your baby comes into the world would be really cool as well!
Super timely for me to read this as I am currently working with Hypnobirthing and am 35 weeks pregnant! I have found it so useful so far, from being able to understand better what will be going on with my body to having techniques to relax during labor. It does sound funny, but I am hoping it works!
Ahhh that’s amazing!! Good luck Samantha, I hope you have an amazing birth experience!
I’m not sure I’d be able to do it without pain medication. Lol. Good for you! Seems like hypnobirthing is a great tactic.
It definitely is, it really helped me a lot!