So ya’ll know I love my neutrals. But sometimes I feel a little feisty and decide to wear something with color #shocker. One colorful piece I’m obsessed with is this orange sporty cold-shoulder dress from Asobio (a small boutique in Shanghai). Obviously since I bought this last year in China, I won’t be able to link it for you guys. However, I did link some similar options above if you’re interested!
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Orange Sporty Cold-Shoulder Dress
I think the reason I actually feel comfortable in this dress is because of the ruffle and cold-shoulder details. It’s a style I would pick out, especially if in a neutral color, and I think that helps me like it even though it’s orange LOL. Also, is it just me or does this dress have a sporty vibe to it? The funny thing about me is most of my gym clothes are bright colors (I’m sure you’re thinking WTF right now lol). It’s true though, I love bright neon workout clothes. I think that’s another reason this sporty cold-shoulder dress speaks to me 🙂
Defining My Style
I wear this sporty cold-shoulder dress quite often in the summer and always get lots of compliments. Probably cause you don’t see bright orange dresses every day! I think this kind of speaks to the fact that our style really can’t be defined. The other day I was talking to my blogger BFF Rachel from One Pot Slop (ya’ll know who I’m talking about when I just say “Rachel,” right? ;p ) about defining our style, and she had a hard time describing it to me. Later that day I started thinking about my own style, and found that it really is hard to describe! I mean, I can come up with some general descriptors, like “loves neutral,” “comfortable,” “mom thinks it’s blah,” etc…my mom loves color by the way LOL. But I can’t come up with a succinct description, and I’m starting to realize that’s OK. Just like it’s totally normal to not want to stick yourself in categories based on religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, etc., it’s OK to not to want to limit your style. These things don’t define us, and I wholeheartedly believe our style is an outward expression of our feelings and personality.
Well that got real deep real quick LOL. Anyways, I love the fact that my style doesn’t fit in to just one category. I’m a pretty fluid and go-with-the-flow type of person, and it makes total sense for my style to reflect that. What about you? Can you define your personal style? Leave me a comment below with your thoughts!
Photos by Rachel Cossette
Adorable styling ideas!!
Thanks Kay!
You look so pretty! I love the orange on you ♥️😉
Thank you Mimi!!
I love how it can be so casual or you could fancy it up! Great look!
Right, me too! <3
It’s so cute!!! Love the color, too!
Thanks Susannah! xo
Wow, my newest blog post literally said the same thing — that I am unable to define my style. It changes, and I am ok with this. This looks great on you. I am all about some bright colors, only wish people can do it more often.
Thrifting Diva
My style tends to change as well 🙂 Thanks for reading Ayana!
This dress is so cute on you! I’m not sure I’d be able to pull of the color, but you totally rock it! xx
Thanks Holly, I’m surprised I like it so much!
I really love this color on you! It’s so pretty and a blood choice for fall. Love!
Thanks so much girl! <3
What a cute, unique dress! You look fab in orange 🙂
Thanks Jenny 🙂
Taking athleisure to a whole you level with an amzing color! I love your outif hey
Aw, thank you Elsie! xoxo
I love the color of that dress! It looks like a blend of fall and summer. It looks really great on you too!
Thanks so much Rachel! It’s a fun color and one that I wouldn’t normally choose for myself 🙂
I have the same shoes! Aren’t they awesome? I love that you paired them with this dress for a casual look.
Oh cool! Yeah they’re super cute! Thanks for reading Amanda!